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Vi. в некоторых из данных предложений глагол употреблён в неправильном грамматическом времени. дайте правильный вариант там, где это необходимо. подчеркните правильный вариант. образец it rains at the moment. it is raining at the moment. 1. he is smoking ten cigarettes a day. 2. i am liking black coffee. 3. marry is in the kitchen. she cooked dinner. 4. i find london a beautiful city. 5. what are you thinking of london? vii. поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильном времени. 1. last year i (to decide) to go to england for my holidays. 2. when i left kiev it (to rain), but when i (to arrive) in london it (to clear) up. 3. i feel tired. i (to work) all day and i (not finish) yet. 4. she lives in moscow long, but she (not see) many sights. 5. a cold wind (to blow) from the sea all day long yesterday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Vi. 1. he smokes ten sigarettes a day. 2. i like black coffee. 3. mary is in the kitchen. she is cooking dinner. 4. i found london a beautiful city. 5. what do you think of london? vii 1. decided 2. was raining //arrived //was clearing 3. have been working // haven't finished 4. hasn't seen 5. was blowing

Summer is my favourite season of the year. summer is very hot season. i can swim in the river or in the lake in summer.

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