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Know he (мог бы) read classics. he (не обязательно) change to something else. 2. if you help me now i (может быть смогу) help you later. 3. (могу ли я сделать) as i like or (я дожна делать) as you like? 4. “now listen to me! ” he said; “i’ll tell you a few things that you (должен был бы спросить) before starting out.” 5. ifyour mother calls, tell her i (возможно придется) be a little late. 6. when you came here i told you you were free to come and go as you please, but you (не должна была навещать) old tante. 7. "i shall wait to hear what lily (может) say about it.” “you (может быть придется) wait a long time.” 8. mr zappa, the carrier (должен был заехать) for me in the morning at nine o’clock. 9. that bookwas one of those that one (должен был бы прочитать). 10. somebody has been talking; (кто бы это мог быть)? 11. (незачем было волноваться), everything has turned out all right. 12.frequently he (можно было застать) in the garden bent over his flowers. 13.1believe he was always afraid they (могут посмеяться) at him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)could; may not 2)will probably be able to 3) can i do; i must do 4)had to ask 5)may 6)shouldn’t have visited 7)may 8)had to drive 9)should read 10) who would it be? 11)there was no sense in worrying 12) could be found 13)could laugh



for,shorts, morning

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