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Перепишите предложения с выделенными в них словами и переведите данные предложения, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных словосочетаний. 1. (it was) his room where he lost his key. 2. (it is) my best friend (who) always helps me in any situation. 3. i like (neither) football (nor) hokey. 4. this old woman never learnt (either) history (or) geography. 5. (both) the children (and) the parents enjoyed the performance.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Перевод такой (возможно ошибки) : 1. (это была его комната, где он потерял ключ.2. (это) мой лучший друг (кто) всегда мне в любой ситуации.3. мне нравится (ни) футбол (и) хоккей.4. эта старуха никогда не узнавала (или) (или) .5. (оба) дети (и) родители наслаждались выступлением.

1. paper was invented by the chinese.  2. penicillin was discovered by  alexander fleming.3. applicants were interviewed by them.4. a lot of money was spent  at the supermarket by us.5. lunch is served  from 12.00 to 2.00 p.m by them.6. the work will be finished at time by us.7. rubbish is collected every day by them.8. my car will be repaired by them by sunday.9. this problem can be solved by us.10. our passports were taken by a   tall woman in a uniform.11. we were allowed to take some photographs.1. a new law will be passed by the government.2. clothes are sold in this shop (by them).3. she was woken up  at seven o'clock by her mother.4. we will be payed twice a month by them.5. the invitations were sent a week ago by us.6. the walls can be decorated with posters (by you).7. the fire was put out very quickly by the fire-fighters.8. our plants are watered for us by our neighbour  when we are away.9. the problem should be discussed in more detail by you.10. we will be given some instructions later.или some instructions will be given to us later by him. 

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