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Перевести на язык предложения где проводится урок языка? как его зовут ? сколько ему лет ? в каком он классе? моя любимая учительница анна ивановна она приподаёт язык

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) where is the english lesson? 2) what's his name? 3)how old is he? 4) what's his form? 5) my favorite teacher is anna ivanovna. she teachs a russian language

1) where is the english lesson? 2) what is his name? 3) how old is he? 4) what grade is he in? 5) my favourite teacher is anna ivanovna. she teaches russian language.

When ronald came home, he felt bad.his mother called the doctor.the doctor looked ronald and said that it is common  cold.she  written out to medisine from  temperature and a cold throat and told to drink warm milk with honey. the doctor said that she send  specialist to  view it right side.   she said goodbye and left the room.

Популярно: Английский язык