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Перевести предложения на 1. методы лечения гиппократа были принципиально противоположны идеям многих врачей его времени. 2. многие его мысли являются весьма актуальны и сегодня. 3. мы мало знаем о жизни гиппократа. он родился в 470г. до нашей эры и умер в 377-359г.г. до н. э. 4. лечение по гиппократу основывалось на тщательном обследование пациента. 5. последователь гиппократа гален основал свою теорию на его концепции четырех жидкостей организма. 6. много внимания гиппократ уделял правильному питанию, гигиене и здоровому образу жизни.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. methods of treatment of hippocrates was fundamentally opposed to the ideas of many doctors of his time. 2. many of his thoughts are very relevant today. 3. we know little about the life of hippocrates. he was born in 470.  bc and died in 377-359 bc 4. the treatment according to hippocrates were based on a thorough examination of the patient. 5. a follower of hippocrates galen had based his theory on his concept of the four body fluids. 6. much attention was paid to hippocrates nutrition, hygiene and healthy lifestyle.

it is my danny. he is old and clumsy. his old brains are very slow. but he is the friend of mine and i love him. he was near me as long as i could remember. i remember his caressing metall hands taking me off the ground, when i had fallen. he can't invade the deep space because i need him here, near me.

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