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Discuss what teachers should do and what students should do in the lesson and during the break. обсудите, что следует делать учителю и ученикам во время урока и во время перерыва.

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During the break everybody trying to rest be their own ways, but during the break in school children and teachers shouldn't forget about a couple of rules. during the break students shouldn't be very loud and distracting for other people, they should peacefully play or speak in or out of a class or study their homework and get ready for the next lesson.teachers during the break should watch their students, so they couldn't do something bad or something wrong, they also, as students, should get prepared for the lesson by bringing different attributes for the lesson, like a map for the geography or microscope for science.

Mind map: winter - december, january, february. winter is cold and snow. spring - march, april, may. spring is warm and sunny, but winder. summer - june, july, august. summer is warm and very sunny, bytes sometimes is rainy. autumn - september, october, november. it is cold but sunny.

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