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Many years ago two friends, joe and tom, came to a small town. it was very dark when they came to a little inn. they asked for a room with two beds. the owner of the inn showed them a room and gave them a candle because there was no lamp in the room.when they were going to the room the candle fell out of joe's hand. it became very dark. they found the door of the room and went in.they took off their clothes and went to bed. the bed was very big and by mistake1 they got into the same bed: tom from one side and joe from the other.after a few minutes joe said, "you know, tom, there's a man in my bed. here are his feet near my face.""yes, joe, there's a man in my bed too. his feet are near my face too. what shall we do? ""let's push them off our beds."and they began to push each other. after some time the two men fell on the floor."joe! " cried tom. "my man is stronger than i. he has pushed me down to the floor." "i'm on the floor too," answered joe. "i think we must go to the owner of the inn and tell him about it."

Какую комнату ты хотел бы иметь? представь, что вы сделали в комнате изменения. нарисуй картинки. напиши, что ты изменил. опиши эти вещи. используй глаголы из рамочки.(перекрасить, красить, украсить, поставить) i have painted the door light-brown  i have  put my wardrobe on the left  near the bookcase  i have  painted the floor orange. i have decorated the wall with the carpet. i have repainted the floor   light-brown.  i have  put the carpet on the floor  near the wardrobe.  i have  put my bed near  the desk.  i have  put my desk near the window. 

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