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Раскройте скобки. 1.mark(to drive) the car for 20 hours when he almost got in to the accident 2.when she entered the restaurant the administrator told her that the man (to wait) for her for an hour already.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Если 1) mark has drived the car for 20 hours when 2)when enterested restaurant the administrator told her that the man has

Has been driving has been waiting

1.the company produces(а) mobile telephones(б)

компания производит мобильные телефоны

2.the economy comprises(а) millions(б) of people and thousands(б) of firms(б) as well as the government and local authorities(б)

состоит из миллионов людей и тысяч фирм, а также правительства и местных органов власти

3.тhe consumer`s(в) satisfaction in the final objective of all economic activity

удовлетворенность потребителя конечной целью всей хозяйственной деятельности

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