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Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы после текста. canada canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometres. its western coast is washed by the pacific ocean and its eastern coast- by the atlantic ocean. there are many islands in the north of canada. canada has mountains, high plains and low plains. canada is a country of lakes. besides the great lakes, which lie on boarder with the usa, there are many other very large lakes, for example, great bear lake, great slave lake and lake winnipeg. canada also has large rivers: the mackenzie, the yukon, and the st. lawrence. the niagara falls is one of the most splendid sights in the world. canada has several climatic regions. winter in canada lasts from four to five month with heavy snowfalls. the north of the country near the arctic is tundra with great forests to the south. the central plains form the prairies. the population of canada is over 24 million people. there are 330,000 indians and 25,000 eskimos, who live mostly in the north. the capital of canada is ottawa. other large important towns are montreal, toronto, vancouver, edmonton, hamilton, winnipeg and quebec. machine-building , motor-car, ship-building, hydro-electric industries are highly developed. canada is a federal state and a member of the commonwealth. formally the head of the state is the king or queen of england, represented by the governor-general, who is named by the canadian cabinet. the leading figure in the political life of the country is the prime minister. canada consists of the provinces of newfoundland, prince edward island, nova scotia, new brunswick, quebec, ontario, manitoba, saskatchewan, alberta, british colambia and yukon and the north-west territories. the federal parliament consists of the senate, whose members are appointed by the governor-general, and the house of commons whose members are elected by the people for a period of five years. the cabinet is headed by the prime minister. the seat of the federal parliament and government is ottawa, the federal capital. there are several political parties, which are represented in parliament: the progressive conservative party, the liberal party and the new democratic party. they differ mostly in policy, their attitude to the usa, to the question of the french and english elements of the population and to provincial policies. вопросы 1. what country is canada? 2. what is the population of canada? 3. what branches of industry are highly developed? 4. what kind of state is canada? 5. how many houses does the canadian federal parliament consist of? 6. who is the head of the state and of the government?

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1.canada is a country of lakes.  2.the population of canada is over 24 million people. 3.machine-building , motor-car, ship-building, hydro-electric industries are highly developed. 4.canada is a federal state and a member of the commonwealth. 5.canada consists of the provinces of newfoundland, prince edward island, nova scotia, new brunswick, quebec, ontario, manitoba, saskatchewan, alberta, british colambia and yukon and the north-west territories. 6.the cabinet is headed by the prime minister вроде так

Fill in the gaps has to, don’t/doesn’t have to, had to or won’t have to.you’ve got lots of time.you doesn't have to   hurry.i broke my tooth,so i had to go to the dentist’s yesterday.let’s clean up now so we had to clean tomorrow.lucy feels better now, so she won't have to take the medicine.he had to shout or else she can’t hear him.

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