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Раскройте скобки употребив нужную видовременную форму глагола 1. my friend (to know) english very well. 2. you usually (to drink) hot coffee in the morning? 3. when you (to leave) home yesterday? 4. usually he (to come) back on friday. 5. there (to be) many children in the garden. 6. they (not to go) to the theatre very often. 7. your sisters (to finish) work so late? 8. when you (to give) me back my textbook? 9. i (to wake up) with toothache yesterday morning. 10. dickens (to begin) to write when he (to be) very young.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. knows 2. если нужно вопросительное предложение тогда вот так do you usually drink hot coffee in the morning? 3. when did you left home yesterday? 4. he usually comes back on friday. 5. are 6. don't go 7.did your sisters finish work so late? 8. when will you home me back my textbook? 9. woke up 10. began, was

Their cottage isn't brick, they(their)  are wooden.

Популярно: Английский язык