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Выручайте complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verds in breckets. 1. (you/do) at the moment? 2. (study) english. 3. (not play) football now. 4. (sit) in the classroom. 5. our (not work) today. 6. (she/ do) now? и ответьте на вопросы буду

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Ответы на вопрос:

1do 2 studying 3 arent play 4 sitting 5 isnt working 6 do

There is nothing in the world more interesting than sports. he grabs the man and the man is dissolved in it. sport can be practiced professionally. a person can choose at their discretion any sport.  my favorite sport - it is a struggle. borba- amazing sport! it is characterized by less use of physical force in the performance of receptions and a wide variety of technical actions permitted. the fight - a very difficult sport. people learn this sport for years, only then pokazatyvayut their skills.

Популярно: Английский язык