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Translate form the sentences into the passive voice: 1)my mother often cooks soup 2)they must include the names on the list 3)we bought vegetables lat week. 4)people should not destroy rainforests. 5)students will draw pictures tomorrow. 6)children can play football everyday 7)what languages do people speak in сanada? 8)weathermen forecast weather everyday . 9)people must take care of animals. 10)they will meet kate at the static. 11)he finished the work yesterday . 12)people should not dump waste into rivers. 13)we can solve ennviromental problems. 14)what do we make cakes from?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1моя мама часто готовит суп 2- 3 мы купили овощи прошлой недели 4- 5 студенты будут рисовать картинки завтра 6 дети могут играть в футбол каждый день 7 на каком языке розговаривают в канаде 8 - 9 - 10 они приглашат кейт на статик 11 он закончил работу вчера 12 - 13- 14- извини что не всё не хочу писать наверняка точно не знаю перевода

1.Have you ever been here before? No, I haven’t. 2. Have you seen the film The Reader? No, I haven’t see yet. 3. Have you been to Budapest? Yes, I went last summer. 4. Have you finished that book yet? Yes, I have already started next one. 5. Has he decided what job he wants to do yet? No, he hasn’t.

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