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Знаю,что трудно,и скорее всего никто не ,ноо вдруг,кто нибудь осмелится) буду 18. make up all possible questions (general, alternative, disjunctive, special, question to the subject). поставьте различные типы вопросов к следующим предложениям (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный, вопрос к подлежащему), обозначьте тип вопроса. l не always took off his hat and said, “good afternoon”, to the customs officer. 2. 'the old customs officer was almost crazy because he didn’t know what it was. 16. read the text. прочтите текст. (контроль чтения.) the smuggler and the customs officer. the customs officer had seen the same man coming into the country every day for the past month. he knew that this man must be smuggling something into the country, but he didn’t know what it was. the man was always very polite. he always took off his hat and said “good afternoon”, to the customs officer. the customs officer always asked him to open his bag, but the customs officer couldn't find out what the man was smuggling into the country. he couldn’t find any whisky or perfume or cigarettes or anything. when the customs officer had looked through the man’s bag and couldn’t find anything, the man always took off his hat and said, “thank you. goodbye! ” i ic was very polite, but the customs officer was sure the man was a smuggler. after a month the customs officer was so unhappy that he left his job. the next day he watched the smuggler come up to the new customs officer. “good afternoon! ” said the smuggler and took off his hat politely. “good afternoon! ” said the new customs officer. “would you open your bag, please.” so the man opened his bag again, but the new customs officer couldn’t find anything either. “thank you. goodbye! ” said the man and took off his hat politely. outside customs the old customs officer, who had left his job, stopped him and said, “i’m not a customs officer anymore. i left my job. would you please tell me what you’re smuggling? i know you’re smuggling something.” the old customs officer was,almost crazy because he didn’t know what it was. “it’s true”, said the man. “i am smuggling something. i’m smuggling hats”, and he took off his hat politely and said, “goodbye! ”.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Lне always took off his hat and said, “good afternoon”, to the customs officer.общий did he take off his hat and say "good afternoon" to the customs officer? альтернативный did he take off his hat or his coat? разделительный  не always took off his hat and said, “good afternoon”, to the customs officer, didn't he? специальный what did he take off always? what did he say to the customs officer always? к подлежащему who always took off a hat and said "good afternoon" to the customs officer? 2. 'the old customs officer was almost crazy because he didn’t know what it was.общий was the old custom officer almost crazy because he didn't know what it was? альтернативный was the old customs officer almost crazy or happily laughening? разделительный the old customs officer was almost crazy because he didn’t know what it was, wasn't he? специальный why was the old customs officer almost crazy? к подлежащему who was almost crazy because didn't know what it was?


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