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Напиши,что должны делать по дому дети ,как показано в образце.напиши о себе

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Делать дз, родителям,бабушке ,тете,мыть посуду,заправлять кровать и на этрй основе и пиши)
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in 1837, at an ascent on the throne of queen victoria, parliament distinguished money, take an architect to charles, that built the westminster palace on building of clock that had to be on the tower of saint stephen, but on condition that new hours will be most exact and greatest in the world. not clear who gave the name to this bell. someone it is said that he is so named after benjamin холла, that was the chief of construction-works of биг-бена. to this man for his imposing corporal sizes and distances nickname large ben. on other version, the name was given by workers that transported a bell from a casting workshop. their hero then was a boxer of heavy weight benjamin каунт. биг-бен has a height 96 meters, and to rise upstairs it maybe only on little winding stairs, exactly 334 stages conduct upstairs. the clock-faces of биг-бена look at all 4 sides of light. in founding of each of four clock-faces latin inscription of "domine salvam fac reginam nostram victoriam is situated" ("goodness, keep our queen victoria i"). main bell "биг-бен" and surrounding him other small bells beat out ringing of bells of next words : "through this hour lord keeps me and force of him will give to stumble" nobody. after the fight of chimes the first blow of hammer about "биг-бен" exactly coincides with the first second of beginning of hour. бой биг ben until now broadcasted by a би-би-си 4 in certain time. the sounds of биг of ben are traditionally mark beginning of new year in great britain. in december, 1999 they had a specific value, marking beginning of new millennium. at night clock of биг ben lighted up, that does the clock of one of main sights of london in a night-time, and many tourists prefer to take pictures биг ben in a night-time. presently on considerations safety, entrance in биг-бен is prohibited foreign tourists.

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