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Зарание катер проплыл 72км между пристанями по течению реки за 2ч а против течения за 3ч. за сколько часов это расстояние проплывут плоты? со всеми действиями

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)2+3=5 - часов   - сколько всего плывут  2)72 км / 5 часов = 14,4 часов если будет не правильно прости, но по  идеи так в школе наподобие решали
4,7(90 оценок)

Anna: hello, is that you, mary? how are you? why yesterday did not go to class? mary: hi anna. i felt bad. and couldn't even get up. a: what happened to you? m: i don't know. i haven't went to the doctor. i had a high temperature. a: can you go to institute today? m: i'm afraid not. this morning i visit the doctor. i feel that i have a few days to stay in bed. really sorry we have to miss lectures. a: nothing to worry about. don't have to come if you don't feel. of course, you need to stay in bed. if you want to borrow my notes. can i visit you today? m: of course. come immediately after lessons. a: i'm sorry, but after school i have to go to the library to get some books for discussion. m: don't go to the library. i have many interesting books. you can take any of them. a: well. i can come to you on the 41 tram? m: yes. but don't come on the tram. near my house opened a new metro station and takes me all of fifteen minutes to reach the institute by metro. a: very well, but i have to go to college. yet. m: see you then. don't forget to bring me your notes. give me a call if you can't come.

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