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Текст напишите как читается буквами(и напишите как читаются числа) yaroslavl zoo landscape type is located in the city of yaroslavl zavolzhsky district , near smolensk boron .officially opened on 20 august 2008 in preparation for the 1000th anniversary of yaroslavl . the total area of the zoo was more than 67 hectares , on the opening day was developed about 14 , then the collection contains more than 450 copies of more than 200 animal species.as of summer 2011 the zoo held 120 acres of land on which to place more than 250 species totaling 1650 individuals. during the first half of this year, it was visited by nearly 130,000 people. [1]the zoo has a "contact " section , where you can get acquainted with some of the animals . open year-round demonstration and training center "ark" , where young visitors can make friends with a harmless species of animals and to know them better .zoo director since its inception - t. kukurievich baratashvili

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Ярославль зу лэндскейп из локейтэд ин зэ сити оф ярославль заволжски дистрикт, ниар смоленск борон. офишали опэнд он твентиез оф аугаст твенти-оу-эйт ин препэрэйшн фор зэ ван-фаузэндс энивёрсари оф ярославль. зэ тутал айдиа оф зэ зу вос мор зэн сыксти-сэвэн хэктэйрс, он зэ опэнинг дэй вос девелоупд эбаут фортин, зэн зэ колекшон контэйнс мор зэн фор-хандрэд-фифти копис оф мор зэн тю-хандрэд энимал спишис. ас оф самэр твэнти-элэвэн зэ зу хэлд хандрэд-твэнти акрэс оф лэнд он выч ту плэйс мор зэн тю-хандрэд-фифти спишис туталинг фаузэнд-сыксхандрэд-фифти индивидуалс. даринг зэ фёрст хаф оф зыс еар, ит воз визитэд бай ниарли хандрэд-фёрти-фаузэнд пипл. зэ зу хэс э контакт сэкшон, вэр ю кэн гет эквунтэд выз сам оф зэ энималс. оупэн еар-раунд демонстрэйшн энд трэйнинг сэнтэр арк, вэр янг визиторс кэн мэйк фрэндс выз э хармлэс спишис оф энималс энд ту ноу зэм бэтэр. зу дайрэктор сайнс итс инсэпшон - ти кукурьевич бараташвили

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my best friend

i have many friends. i like my friends. when we gather, we play computer games, chat, make lots of noise. i like noise.

to my mind, people should have many friends as possible, because if you have not friends, you just become very dull and boring person. it is fine when you have friends, who are able to understand you and support and help in difficult situations.

we have much in common and we enjoy communicating with each other.

one of my friends is sergey. he is thirteen. i can say that he is a good guy. he is a schoolboy. he wants to be a businessman like his father. he studies well, but he is not a hardworking person.

when we gather together we like to play computer games, to watch new movies and discuss them. his favourite subject at school is maths. he is keen on maths. i guess he might become a great mathematician, but he wants to be like his father.

we are friends for a long time. we trust each other. we have some personal secrets. i can tell him about my troubles and he always helps me, if he can.

i'm happy to have such a good friend as sergey

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