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Исправте ошибки : when i grow up, i want to become a photographer. i really like this profession. i really like to take pictures, i even have my own professional camera. dad gave it to me for his birthday. i have many pictures of nature. in my childhood i wanted to be a turner, i loved to cook and always helped my mother in the kitchen with cooking. and now i do not really like to cook. i wanted to become a photographer at the age of 12. i was 14 when i was given a camera. i hope my dream is to become a photographer

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Ireally like taking pictures. dad gave it to me for my birthday.  a turner это кто? повар? лучше a cook ///really like cooking////

1.the interest rate is usually set by the central bank of a country, which also serves as a lender for commercial banks.

2.when buying houses many people take out mortgages from commercial banks. if the interest rate increases, the mortgage becomes more expensive.

3.if the interest rate is low, companies invest and expand their business, the national currency value falls and national goods and services, become cheaper for foreign buyers. export begin to grow and more money come


1. процентная ставка обычно устанавливается центральным банком страны, которая также выступает в качестве кредитора для коммерческих банков.

2. при покупке домов многие люди берут ипотечные кредиты у коммерческих банков. если процентная ставка увеличивается, ипотека становится дороже.

3. если процентная ставка низкая, компании инвестируют и расширяют свой бизнес, стоимость национальной валюты падает, а национальные товары и услуги становятся дешевле для иностранных покупателей. экспорт начинает расти, и в поступает больше денег.

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