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Complete each sentence (a-‐j) with a suitable ending (1-‐10). use each ending once. a) joe was absent most of the time (4) b) sue wanted to do the experi ment for herself c) james was a very gifted pupil d) lucy couldn't find a duster to clean the board e) dave could pick up languages very easily f) brenda wanted to leave space for corrections g) tony didn't pay attention in class h) helen was educated at home by her parents i) brian attended evening classes in photography j) cathy wanted to get into university 1 so he didn't have any problems passing his exams. 2 so he started talking in french after only a few days. 3 so she had to study for the entrance examinations. 4 so his name was removed from the register. 5 so he didn't go out with his friends much during the week. 6 so she wrote her answers in the corner. 7 so she didn't have many friends of her own age. 8 so she wrote everything on alternate lines. 9 so she went to the science laboratory. 10 so he could never remember what the teacher had said.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A-2 b-9 c-10 d-6 е-1 f-8 g-4 h-7 i-5 j-3

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мое лето было хорошим.я познакомился со многими и я много ходил гулять.я узнал что-то новое и побывал в новых местах.каждый день проходил как праздник.я встречал рассветы и любовался закатами, это было красиво.я посмотрел много фильмов и читал книги.я также саморазвивался в лучшую сторону.жаль, то лето закончилось.я уже с нетерпением жду следующего лета.но и в школе не так плохо, я все так же буду общаться с друзьями.

Популярно: Английский язык