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Match the two sentences. соедините два предложения (число и буква) по смыслу. 1) my friend has opened the window. 2) he has translated the text into english. 3) we have answered all the questions. 4) they have visited the kremlin. 5) she has arrived in moscow. 6) we have talked to jim's parents. 7) i have cooked something nice. 8) the children have washed their hands. a) it's a little cold in the room now. b) now they know what their son's problems are. c) now i can invite my neighbours to lunch. d) they are clean now. e) now they know what cathedrals are situated there. f) our teacher says our answers are right. g) now he is ready for his class. h) now she is going to the central hotel.

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1а 2 g 3 f 4 e 5 h 6 b 7 с 8 d

This summer my parents and i were sochi the weather was hot and sunny. i was in the famous botanic garden in sochi. there were many interesting plants there. we have got two botanic garden in moscow. are there any botanic garden in london? write soon, mary 

Популярно: Английский язык