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2)would you mind the radio until with this phone call? a)to turn/finish,b)to turn/will finish,c)turn/finish,d)turning/finish 3)the sky was cloudy. ,we went to the beach.a)consequently.b)nevertheless.c)in spirite of.d)even though 4)if you cannot do it ,you can always your parents.a)your self/consult to.b)by your own/turn to.c)by yourself/turn for.d)on your own/consult 5)dont forget me as soon as you home.a)calling,come.b)to call,come.c)calling,will come.d)to call ,will come

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Ответы на вопрос:

2d 3 b 4 d 5 b

2)   ответ - c 3) ответ -  d 4) ответ -  a 5) ответ -  a

there was somebody in the  kitchen last time

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