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Complete the conversation.use the right form of used to. -when i was littel,) in prague. - ) to school there? -no,i didn't.i was very young.my ) after me while my parents were at work. -they say prague's lovely. )round the city? -yes,we did,but i (not enjoy) it much.i (be) frightened of the statues on the buildings! it sounds funny now.but things are sifferent when you're young.

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When i was little, we used to live in prague. - did you go to school there? - no, i didn't. i was very young. my grandmother used to look after me while my parents were at work. - they say prague's lovely. did you use to walk round the city? - no, i didn't, but i didn't use to enjoy it much. i used to be frightened of the statue on the buildings! it sounds funny now. but things are different when you're young.

1)we were living 2)did you go 3)was looking 4)did you walk 5)i didn't enjoy 6)was




я люблю кушать вареники. моя бабушка их часто делает. бабушка мне говорила,  что вареники - это славянское блюдо. оно больше всего распространенно в украинской кухне.это блюдо делается легко и главное вкусно. всем советую попробовать этот деликатес!


i love to eat dumplings. my grandma makes them often. grandma told me that  pierogies   is a  slavic dish. it is most popular in the ukrainian cuisine.this dish is easy and most importantly delicious. i advise everyone to try this delicacy!

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