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Конечно же не следует сравнивать человека и других животных. переведите на язык. мы можем ими восхищаться, но разница между нами очевидна. оглянитесь на наш мир и мир животных. тут и обсуждать нечего. человек бесспорно стоит по интеллектуальному развитию выше остальных. и именно поэтому он должен позаботится о тех, кто не может ему в конкуренции противостоять. пусть себе живут своей жизнью. не надо активно вмешиваться в их жизнь. но и людей тоже надо умело защитить от опасностей, связанных с этим соседством. вот приблизительный перевод, ну думаю это не верно of course, one should not compare man and other animals. we can admire them, be touched but the difference between us is obvious. look back at our world and the world of animals. there's nothing to discuss here. a person is indisputably worthy of intellectual development above the rest. and that's why he must take care of those who can not compete with him in competition. let them live their own lives. do not actively intervene in their lives. but people must also be skillfully protected from the dangers associated with this neighborhood.

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We can admire them, be touched but the difference between us is obvious. look back at our world and the world of animals. there's nothing to discuss here. a person is indisputably worthy of intellectual development above the rest. and that's why he must take care of those who can not compete with him in competition. let them live their own lives. do not actively intervene in their lives. but people also need to be skillfully protected from the dangers associated with this neighborhood.

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