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i think that we cant even know when and how are they going to be. but we can just once save our lifes if we train

Red wolf externally, it can be confused with a fox, and this is one of the main reasons for his vymiraniya.vnimanie people he drew his fluffy fur, which has a beautiful bright red color. it is also worth noting that his tail is slightly different from a fox, with a black tip. the habitat of the wolf - the far east, china and mongolia red wolf listed in the red book of the iucn endangered species status, as well as in the red book of russia. in russia, this rare predator taken under full protection since its introduction in the red data book of the former ussr. necessary to identify the areas where there are still red wolf, followed by the organization are sanctuaries for the protection of predators and wild cloven-hoofed animals on which it feeds. desirable reduction in the number of gray volka.eto rather large animal with a body length of 76-110 cm, tail - 45-50 cm and weighing 17-21 kg. in his appearance combines the features of a wolf, fox and jackal. from the usual red wolf wolf different color, fluffy fur and a long tail, almost reaching the ground. characterized by shorter, pointed muzzle. the ears are large, erect. reproduction of red wolves is rather poorly understood, due to the small population of the species and the fact that they do not become addicted. but we know that the little cubs appear most frequently in january and february, the females of this species brought from 5 to 9 cubs.

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