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2. поставьте предложения в past indefinite и сделайте вопросительную и отрицательную формы. a) we (to buy) a new car on tuesday. b) mike (to do) his homework yesterday. c) they (to stay) at home yesterday

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We bought a new car on tuesday. did we buy a new car on tuesday? we didn't mike did his homework yesterday. mike didn't do his homework yesterday. did mike do they stayed at home yesterday. did they stay at home yesterday? they didn't stay

1) Job responsibilities. Supervises the maintenance of buildings, as well as related structures and the surrounding area in an appropriate manner. Organizes cleaning and monitors the observance of cleanliness in the interior of the building. Prepares the premises of the building for autumn and winter operation. Organizes timely repair of doors, windows, locks, curtains, etc. Ensures the safety and maintenance in good condition of the property under its jurisdiction. Keeps records of the availability of property, performs periodic inspection and draws up acts for its cancellation. Receives, gives out to auxiliary workers and cleaners inventory, household items and carries out the appropriate operational accounting. Supervises compliance with sanitary requirements and fire safety rules. Keeps a book of records of sanitary and fire supervision.

Commandant should know

2) The commandant, in the performance of his official duties, must know: decisions, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies concerning the maintenance of office, utility and residential premises of the building; fundamentals of labor organization; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Requirements for the qualifications of the commandant

3) Qualification requirements. Initial vocational education without requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and special training according to the established program.


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