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Choose the right verb fom. 1. if i(am were) a receptionist, i would welcome holidaymakers. 2. wish it(is were) summer now. 3. it l(would have/had) enough time, l(came/viould come) to see you. 4. if only he(didn't fail hadn't failed the exams last year 5 if we(got had got) up early enough, we would have reached the town an time 6. if it(were will be) hot tomorrow, we(don't wouldn't stay at home. 7. we would(bei nave have behaved) differently if ve had realized the situation. 8 i wish they(were/ are) here. 9. if only it(were/ had been, hot last summer. 10. if you(called will call) me, (told would sell you nothing

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. were 2. were 3. had, would come 4. hadnt failed  5.had got 6.were, wouldnt 7.behave 8.were 9.had been 10.called, would say

Укожної людини є свої уподобання. наприклад я обожнюю плавання. з самого малечку я любила воду, та все що з нею пов'язане. я почуваю себе у ний як риба в воді.

Популярно: Английский язык