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Перевести на страж носит на голове чёрную шерстяную шляпу. надета алая туника с черным вортником и чёрные брюки с красной полосой. на талии стражника белый ремень, а на ногах - белые ботинки.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The guard wears a black woolen hat on his head. a scarlet tunic with a black collar and black trousers with a red stripe is worn. at the waist of the guard is a white belt, and on his feet are white shoes.

The guardian wears on his head a black woollen hat. wearing a scarlet tunic with a black collar and black pants with a red stripe. on the waist guard the white belt and on his feet white boots.

Reading, smoking, carrying, listening, laughing, или тебе какие то особенные нужны?

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