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Выберете правильный вариант,обращая внимание на указательные местоимения и местоимение it. 1. to find a true friend. a) this is b) that is. c) it is 2. pair of jeans from the usa. a) these are b) this is. c) those are 3. friends over there. a) this are. b) these is. c) those are d) that are 4. cold and i am tired. a) this b)that c) it 5. do you see house in the distance? - it is my grandma’s place a) this b)that

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 b —— —— ——

1-c 2- 3-c 4-с 5-a насчет второго сомневаюсь)

1) my grandmother has been cooking dinner since two o'clock.

2) they have been fishing for five hours already.

3) my sister has been sleeping since five o’clock.

4) we have been learning english since 2005.  

5) they have been talking for two hours and haven't finished yet.

Популярно: Английский язык