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Как написать на я обычно еду в деревню к бабушке я люблю гулять по лесу я люблю строить замки из песка я люблю идти в походы я люблю лето. потому что у меня есть много свободного времени.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iusually go to the village to my grandmother i like to walk in the woods i love building sand castles i like to go camping i like summer. because i ha've a lot of free time.

Hello today i am going to tell you about my favorite tv show ! i am watch this show every friday. i very like the judges and участники (не знаю как по анг) . this show tell us about peoples who wants to win they have yo sing as they can. if judges going to like song which участник sings he will go in the next tour! so yeah i recommend this tv show for you guys , because it is very interesting and cool !

Популярно: Английский язык