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Use the words the box to complete the sentences. yesterday yet every weekend in two days always ago recently now at the moment. 1)they missed their chance 2)i have found many new 3)why are you wasting time 4) my friends will take part in ecological expedition ) have you won the prize ) she feels happy.7)they did not enjoy the party three )my parents have a picnic )who are you talking

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Use the word box to complete the sentences. yesterday every weekend, two days always recently. 1)they missed a chance right now 2)i found a lot of new friends recently 3)why do you waste time every weekend 4) my friends will take part in an environmental expedition in two days 5) you win the prize ) she always feels happy.7) they enjoyed the party three days recently.8)my parents are having a picnic every weekend. 9)who are you talking to now

домашнее животное, вид парнокопытных из рода горные козлы (Capra) семейства полорогих. Коза — одно из первых прирученных животных. Живая масса козлов составляет 60—65 кг, маток 40—60 кг У большинства самцов и самок есть борода Её длина и качество зависят от породы. Масть варьирует от чисто-белой до тёмно-бурой, чёрной и пёстрой. Рога при основании сжатые с боков, загнуты назад и усажены спереди поперечными валиками. Питаются козы травой и молодыми побегами деревьев и кустарников.


a domestic animal, a species of artiodactyls from the genus Capra, of the bovine family. The goat is one of the first domesticated animals. The live weight of goats is 60-65 kg, queens 40-60 kg. Most males and females have a beard. Its length and quality depend on the breed. The color ranges from pure white to dark brown, black and variegated. The horns are laterally compressed at the base, bent backward and seated in front by transverse ridges. Goats feed on grass and young shoots of trees and shrubs.

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