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Поставь предложения в прошедшее время, добавь необходимые показатели времени 1.david lives in boston 2.chris is in the museum 3.the lessons start at nine o'clock 4.he writes poems 5.i see a big dog in the yard 6.frank gets up at six o'clock in the morning 7.they watch an interesting film on tv

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1david lived in boston two years ago. 2 chris was in the museum yesterday. 3 the lessons started an hour ago. 4 he wrote poems last week. 5 i saw a big dog in the yard last sunday. 6 frank got up at six o'clock last monday. 7 they watched an interesting film on tv last tuesday.

1are leaving 2 will visit 3 will win 4  are going 5 will pass

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