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Circle the correct answers to form the second conditional sentences. 1. i'd go/went skiing if it be/were less expensive. 2. if i meet/met a successful sportsperson, i'd ask/'ll ask them about their training programme. 3. we wouldn't lose/won't lose so many matches if we train/trained more. 4. if we didn't enjoy/don't enjoy volleyball, we won't play/wouldn't play it. 5. i'd go/went horse-riding if horses are/were smaller and slower.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(91 оценок)

1. were less 2. ask 3. trained 4. wouldn’t play 5. were
4,6(5 оценок)

ответ:S=(d1*d2):2 d1 и d2 это диагональ S=(12*10):2=120:2=60 см^2

Популярно: Геометрия