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1. the task was very difficult, only a few/ a little students could complete it. 2.there aren`t many/much students on the sports ground. 3.only a few/a little people can speak this language/ 4.do you have much/a many show in december? - sometimes 5.how much/many museums are there in the city? -more than 50. 6.could i ask you a few/a little questions? -please, do/

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a few 2 many 3 a few 4 much 5 many 6 a few

1.walked,began2. Twisted,was running 3.cooked,cut4.will be,saw 5.stayed,snowed 6.came,sang7 .rang, was taking


Популярно: Английский язык