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;поставь глагол в past simple или past cont 1)a strong ) the whole evening. 2)his ) on the phone at 4 pm. 3)) part in the competition last week. 4)) to the country when it started raining. 5)) well last night. 6)) the exercise when the bell rang. 7))me in the morning. 8)) at the sky when you came up to me

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. blew 2. spoke 3. took 4. drove 5. slept 6. wrote 7. wasn't on the phone with 8. looked надеюсь, это !

Present perfect выглядит с такой частичкой to be(местоим.i,he,she,it,you,we,they+have(has)+v(глагол в третей форме непр гоагола) e.x.

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