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Переведите на в моей комнате есть большая кровать , с лево шкаф для одежды . рядом письменный стол. на столе компьютер , лампа , карандаши , ручки . напротив большой книжный шкаф. перед дверью тумбочка и телевизор на стенах картины и часы. на полу красивый ковёр . я люблю мою комнату

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In my room there is a large bed, left wardrobe. near the desk. on the table is a computer, a lamp, pencils, pens. opposite is a large bookcase. there is a bedside table and a tv in front of the door. on the walls are paintings and clocks. on the floor is a beautiful carpet. i love my room.

Iconsider my dad is a master of all trades. he can do everything . he can fix everything in our apartment. for example, if the car is broken, the father can repaire it. also dad is very good in computer. he always helps me do homework in computer science. and every thing that my father is taken is successful. my dad is my role model. he is a master of all trades. i love him very much.

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