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Составить план,как справиться со стрессом на языке,буквально 6 советов

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Ответы на вопрос:

Go for a walk (ходить на прогулку) listen to relaxing music (слушать расслабляющую музыку) breathe deeply (глубоко дышать) meet your family (встречайтесь с семьёй) go to amusement park (сходите в парк развлечений) smile! (улыбайтесь! )

B: been) friends since we were children. 2. a: who been using) the car? b: i was. is there a problem? 3. a: what are andrew and david doing? b: they been working) in the garden for three hours. 4. a: why is sally upset? b: lost) her bag. 5. a: i always believed) that exercise is good for you. b: of course, it's good to keep fit. 6. a: been teaching) maths since she left university. b: yes, and she's a very good teacher, too. 7. a: opened) a new shop. b: really? where is it? 8. a: this pie is delicious. b: is it? i not tasted) it yet. 9. a: have you found your umbrella yet? b: no, been looking) for it for an hour now. 10. a: you look exhausted. b: well, been cleaning) the windows since 8 o'clock this morning. 11. a: can i have some more lemonade, please? b: sorry, your brother just drunk) it all. 12. a: have you got new neighbors? b: yes, they just moved) to the area.

Популярно: Английский язык