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the mery-go-round of  college life  is something that one never forgets. it's a fascinating, fantastic, fabulous experience, ir­respective of the fact whether one is afull-time or a part-time stu­dent.

who can forget the first day at the university when one turns from an  applicant  who has  passed entrance exams  into a  first-year student?   i did it! i  entered, i got in to the university!   a solemn cere­mony in front of the  university building  and serious people  making speeches.  hey, lad, do you happen to know who they are? who? the  rector, vice-rectors, deans,   and what about those la­dies?   heads of departments  and  senior lecturers?   okay. some of them must be  professors, some — associate  or  assistant professors,  but, of course, all of them have  high academic degrees.  and where are our  lecturers  and  tutors? oh, how

the  monitors  hand out  student membership cards, student record books  and  library cards  — one feels like a real person. first celebra­tions and then days of hard work. so many  classes,  so many new  subjects to put on the timetable!   the  curriculum  seems to be devel­oped especially for geniuses.  lectures, seminars  and  tutorials.  home  preparations;   a real avalanche of  homeworks.

if one can not  cope with the work load of college  he or she im­mediately starts  lagging behind.  it is easier to  keep pace  with the programme than to  catch up with it  later. everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look,  diligent.  first  tests and examination sessions.  the first  successes  and first  failures: "i have passed! " or "he has not given me a pass! "  tears and smiles. and a long-awaited  vacation.

the merry-go-round runs faster.  assignments, written reproduc­tions, compositions, synopses, papers.  translations  checked up  and  marked.  "professor, i have never  played truant, i had a good excuse for missing classes". works  handed in  and  handed out.  reading up for exams. "no, professor, i have never  cheated  — no  cribs. i just  crammed".

junior students  become  senior.  still all of them are one family —  undergraduates. students' parties  in the  students' clab.  meeting people and parting with people. you know, nora is going to  be ex­pelled  and dora is going to  graduate with honours. yearly essays, graduation dissertations,

what? a  teacher's certificate? you mean, i've got a  degree in english?   i am happy! it is over! it is is it over? oh,

a  postgraduate course,  a  thesis,  an  oral,  and  a degree in phi­lology.  the first of september. where are the students of the  fa­culty of foreign languages?   is it the  english department?   oh nice

1  i to be a pilot when i was young. b  wanted  2  the train on time yesterday.a arrived  3why for so long yesterday? c  was the baby crying4 we were in a difficult situation. we what to do.a  didn’t know  5 he usually meets his sister on fridays but he her last friday.b didn’t visit  6  what at 6 p.m. yesterday? b  were you doing  7  where when i met you yesterday? were you going  8 kate along the country road when her car broke down.a  was driving  9  the firm went bankrupt, and i my job.c  lost10i felt sick yesterday. i something rotten.   b  ate  11which exams at school? c  did you take 12  we climbing in the mountains last summer. a  went  13  kelly near the river at 4 p.m. yesterday. b  was sunbathing  14the bike is ok now. my dad it yesterday. a  repaired  15the editor of the magazine to print the article. c  didn’t allow 16  darrel couldn’t find his old hat. his sister it away long time ago. c  threw 17greg in a test when his teacher noticed it b  cheated  18  i for the way out of the centre but couldn’t find it. b  was looking  19  titanic in the atlantic many years ago. csank20  when lobsters? a did you last eat  21  my grandma apple trees while she lived in the country. c  planted 22  agatha christie a lot of detective stories. а wrote  23why is the dog so hungry? i it yesterday night. cdidn’t feed24  at the time jack returned home from england his father in the baltic sea. c  was sailing 25  madonna popular when she was young.b  became 

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