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Выпишите предложения в которых сказуемое выражено глаголом в present perfect и переведи их на язык: 1. he has two sisters and a brother. 2. he has never been to london before. 3. she wrote the letter today. 4. she has written a latter today. 5. i have just done my homework. определите время глагола в каждом предложении. поставьте их в отрицательную и вопросительную форму: 1. she has bought a new pair of shoes. 2.she buys a pair of shoes every year. 3. she bought that pair of shoes last month. 4. she will buy brown shoes tomorrow. 5. look! she buying shoes right now. с заранее

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1)2.он никогда не был в лондоне до этого времени 4.она еще напишет письмо сегодня 5.я только что закончил делать дз 2)1.она купила новую обувь(pr.perf) 2.она покупает каждый год новую пару обуви(present simple) 3)она купила эту пару обуви месяц назад(past simple) 4)она купит коричневые ботинки завтра(future simple) 5)смотри,она покупает ботинки(pr.cont)

Russia is the world’s largest country, so if differs greatly from region to region. the same can be said about russian national cuisine, which is rather varied and based on different cultural and historic traditions. usually any national cuisine is formed under the influence of two main factors: religion, which prescribes eating certain kinds of food, and climate, which determines availability of various vegetables, fruit, meat and fish products. orthodoxy, which has traditionally been an official religion in russia, doesn’t forbid any food. but long fasts prescribing abstinence from meat and other types of animal source food, explain why russian cuisine includes many vegetarian dishes. and long severe russian winters help to understand why hot fatty soups and broths are so popular in this country.

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