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Рассказ о природе беларуси на языке средний рассказ

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The republic of belarus is situated in the center of europe on the watershed of the baltic and black seas. the capital is minsk. belarus borders on poland, lithuania, latvia, russia and ukraine. the total length of the state border makes up 2,969 km. geographic and climatic conditions favor the development of transport and economic relations. the shortest ways from russia to western europe and from the baltic sea to the black sea run through belarus. the territory of belarus is 207.6 thousand sq km. it stretches from west to east for 650 km and from north to south for 560 km. the country’s relief is flat with hills. the climate of belarus is moderate continental with mild and humid winters, warm summers and damp autumns. forests constitute 33 % of the country’s area. in belarus there are over 20 thousand rivers and lakes. the largest lake is naroch. the navigation is carried out on the rivers pripiats, dnieper, neman, berezina and western dvina. belarus consists of 6 regions: the brest, vitebsk, gomel, grodno, minsk and mogiliov regions. minsk, the capital, is one of the most beautiful cities in europe. the industrial potential of belarus includes 20 thermoelectric power stations, 17 metallurgical works, 70 petrochemical plants (the concern “belneftekhim”), 29 machine-tool construction enterprises, 36 automakers and so on. according to recent researches the number of small enterprises has exceeded 30 thousand. 6 economic zones are established. foreign enterprises are created with participation of 80 countries. the financial market is represented by the national bank of belarus, 29 commercial banks and 10 foreign ones. there are 27 state theaters, including opera and ballet theater, a musical comedy theater, etc. the ministry of culture has 128 state museums. the sports facilities include almost 500 stadiums and swimming pools, more than 5000 outdoor sports grounds. in 2000 all regional centers had ice palaces and skating rinks. minsk citizens and all inhabitants of byelorussia are especially proud of the new national library being unique as in europe, and all over the world.

Weekend is something that I really look forward to after six busy days at school. I think, every person, whether an adult or a child, cannot work all the time and needs time for rest. That’s why weekends are useful and necessary. I usually spend time with my family or friends at weekends. Sometimes I need to be left alone for a while. In any case, I try to spend my weekends cheerfully and positively.

Last weekend wasn’t much different from other free days but there was something special about it. It was my mum’s birthday. I woke up earlier than others on Sunday morning to buy her some flowers and to decorate our hall with colorful balloons. My parents were surprised how agile I can be and my mum was truly happy. My dad also prepared a special present for her. It was a crystal vase, which she had long wanted to buy.

We were expecting some guests, so my mum decided to cook delicious meals. Her specialty is sweet-and-sour chicken and Olivier salad. She asked me to help her, so I did. If it wasn’t her birthday, I would have already been somewhere with my friends. We like walking at the nearest mall and going to the cinema, but that day I had to stay at home, which was somewhat boring. When the guests arrived, I understood that I was wrong. The evening was promising, as my mums’ co-workers came with their children. We decided to arrange a small party in my room. For that occasion my dad ordered two large pizzas and fruit juice. So the birthday wasn’t boring at all. On the contrary, we had lots of fun, played mafia, sang karaoke and danced to music. At the end of the day everybody was tired but happy.

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