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I. прочитай предложения и определи время (pr.s. - настоящее , p.s. - прошедшее, f.s. – будущее время). запиши номер предложения и название времени. например: 1. p.s. 1. we will go to the picnic tomorrow. 2. she lives in london. 3. we played football last summer. 4. he did not swim yesterday. 5. i won’t fly to moscow next week. 6. sam does not often help his mum. 7. do you like apples? ii. открой скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время. записать только глагол например: we swam (to swim) in the river last summer. - 1. she (to watch) tv every evening. 2. we (to visit) our friend tomorrow. 3. he ride) his bike yesterday. 4. i (to be) in moscow last summer.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. f.s 2. pr.s 3. p.s 4.p.s 5. f.s 6. pr.s 7. pr.s 1.watches 2. will visit 3. rode 4. was

1)f.s 2) pr.s 3)p.s 4)p.s 5)f.s 6)pr.s 7)pr.s 1 watches 2 will visit 3 rode 4 was

1.The school year begins on September.

2. It's a habit to exchange gifts at Christmas.

3. I am tired of doing the same thing every day.

4. The old man sat under the tree to have a rest.

5. Pupils have no classes on weekends.

6. They eat their traditional meal on Christmas Day.

7. We don't have much free time on weekdays.


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