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7. why are you so wet ? идет дождь? a) does it rain? t b) does it rains? c) is it raining?

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C. why are you so wet? (наст.дл) поэтому ответ должен быть в наст дл тоже

Sumatran orangutan catalog of animals »classification of animals» primates »dry-haired» sumatran orangutan / pongo abelii - detachment - primates / podotrjad - dryon / infraction - apes / parvotryad - knee monkeys / superfamily - human monkeys / family - hominids / rod - orangutans history of study sumatran orangutan (pongo pongo abelii - lat.) - a class of mammals, a detachment of primates, a family of mankinds or hominids, subfamilies of orangutans, a genus of orangutans, a species of sumatran orangutan.  propagation representatives of this type of orangutans live in swampy forests on the island of sumatra.  exterior the sumatran orangutan is a large animal. adult male reaches 1.5 m with weight up to 150 kg and more. females are always smaller - their height is up to 100 cm, and weight - up to 50 kg. orangutans are massive and have a highly developed musculature. this species is more damp and higher than the orangutans of the borneo islands. the head is large with sagittal and occipital crests, small ears, forehead high, wide face, hairless, lips are very mobile. males have fat rollers on the cheeks, as well as beard and mustache, a very large throat resonator makes it possible to make loud sounds. wool in orangutans is rare, rigid, brownish-reddish-colored, on the shoulders very long. hands can reach a span of up to 300 cm. the legs are short.  reproduction pregnancy of the sumatran orangutan lasts almost nine months. then one, sometimes two children weighing up to two kilograms, comes to light. all the first year the female wears a baby. baby feeds on mother's milk up to four years old. in total, the female cares for the baby, educates him and brings up to 8 years old, since young people must be ready for their own lives. adult males become 15 years old, and females earlier - approximately 10-12 years old. due to the long period of rearing a young female for his life (up to 30 years old) brings only 4 to 6 young animals - less is not a single mammal.  lifestyle throughout their lives, sumatran orangutans spend on trees, easily moving on them with the help of disproportionately long hands, finding support with their tight legs with opposing thumb of the narrow foot. they rarely go down to the ground, on which they move exclusively on all fours. they lead a solitary life, but sometimes they form small groups. sleep in the nests, which are built every night in a new place. males behave aggressively during a meeting: they first growl up, they make loud cries, then, if it did not frighten the enemy, a fight should be followed. the weakest retreats.  power it is eaten by the fruits of trees, wood bark, leaves and eggs of birds. prey the fruit of the dwarf trees, which grow at a height of up to 30 m and are like spiked soccer balls.

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