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Переведите следующие словосочетания и предложения на язык: а) дом вашего преподавателя, картины современных художников, проекты молодых инженеров, новые планы этих рабочих, фамилии этих студентов, сын моего брата, дочь моей сестры. б)1.сестра моего друга замужем. 2.отец этих детей—архитектор. 3. мать этой девочки больна.

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Ответы на вопрос:

You'r teacher's house, pictures of contemporary artists, young engineers' projects, new plans of these workers, the names of these students, my brother's son, my sister's daughter. the sister of my friend is married. the father of these children is an architect. the mother of this girl is sick.

No, I haven't. / No, I have never been to London.Yes, I have. / Yes, I have travelled by air.Yes, we have. / Yes, we have had a few dictations this month.Yes, she has. / Yes, Kate has already revised the grammar rules.Yes, they have. / Yes, they have passed their exams.No, they haven't. / No, they haven't read much about Great Britain.Yes, I have. / Yes, I've kept my promise.No, it hasn't. / No, the post hasn't come.No, I haven't. / No, I have never driven the car.Yes, it has. / Yes, the lecture has begun.

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