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Circle the correct answer a, b or c. 1. my sister ………… a car. a hasn't b don't have c doesn't have 2. ………. mr s roberts live here? a does b is c do 3. my dad………… at the university. a teachs b teaches c teach 4. i ………. to the cinema with katie tonight. i have bought the tickets. a go b am going go c am going 5. i ……….. back from new york this morning. a flied b flown c flew 6. he didn't ………… the holiday very much. a enjoy b enjoyed c enjoys 7. i ……… a shower when the water stopped working. a had b was having c were having 8. a i'm thirsty. b ………… get you a drink? a will i b am i going to c shall i 9. a i have a new phone. b i’m sure you …….. it, just like your last one. a will lose b are losing c lose 10. a would you like something to eat? b no, thanks, ………….lunch. a i've already had b i already have had c i've had already 11. have you ever ………….. to paris? a been b gone c went 12. the traffic is ………….. than it used to be. a badder b worse c more bad 13. cycling isn't as dangerous …………. skiing. a as b than c that 14. what ……… you do if there was a snake in your room? a will b would c did 15. i'll come to your party if i …………… work early enough. a finish b will finish c finished 16. you drive much ………….. than me. a slowly b slowlier c more slowly 17. if i …………. you, i'd look for a new job. a was b am c were 18. my bike …………. last week. a is stolen b was stolen c stole 19. we were too late. when we arrived at the station, the train …………… a already left b had already left c has already left 20. he said he …………… her. a loved b love c is loving

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Ответы на вопрос:

1c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 b 10 a 11 b 12 b 13 a 14 a 15 a 16 a 17 a 18 b 19 c 20 b

1-с 2-а 3-с 4-с 5-с 6-а 7-b 8-c 9-a 10-a 11-b 12-b 13-a 14-a 15-a 16-a 17-a 18-b 19-c 20-b

On tuesday i do the same things that i do on monday. in the morning i go to school. there i have six lessons. then i get home, do my homework and go to bed. on wednesay i go to school, then go home and do my homework again. at 16: 45 i have english classes. there i am studying english. on thursday i have pe at school. at pe we run, play and (приседаем, не знаю как на ) outside. when the lesson is over, we with our teacher go back to the school. on friday my dad usually collects me froms school. but he has gone to (командировка) for 4 weeks. i have geography at school on fridays. i like this lesson very much.

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