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Вставьте a,an,the at __the__ weekend, alex and amanda went to theatre. they saw great play called 'i would die for you'. play was romantic story about lives of couple in love. after going to theatre, alex and amanda went to restaurant. they both ate __a__ very large meal. amanda had huge bowl of spaghetti and alex had enormous plate of various kinds of meat. __the__ spaghetti and meat were followed by chocolate cake. after leaving restaurant, alex and amanda got taxi home. on the way home they saw __a__ nasty car accident. yellow car had run straight into __a__ black van. yellow car was badly damaged. taxi driver had to take alex and amanda home by another route.

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Аставится перед словом, у которого первая буква гласная. аn согласная. the когда говорим о определленом предмете, о предмете с которым мы уже знакомы.

1) 1. should children help their parents? 2. whose parents should children help? 3. should children help their parents or friends? 4. children should help their parents, shouldn't they? 5. who should help parents? 2) 1. did my brother want to be a vet? 2. whom did my brother want to be? 3. did my brother want to be a vet or a dentist? 4. my brother wanted to be a vet, didn't he? 5. who wanted to be a vet? 3) 1. must you go to school in time? 2. why must you go in time? 3. must you go to school or to bed in time? 4. you must go to school in time, mustn't you? 5. who must go to school in time? 4) 1. would i like to visit france? 2. what would i like to visit? 3. would i like to go to france or to the usa? 4. i would like to visit france, wouldn't i? 5. who would like to visit france? 5) 1. do they work in a hospital? 2. where do they work? 3. d o they work in a hospital or in a school? 4. they work in a hospital, don't they? 5. who works in a hospital? 6) 1. are there a lot of professions to choose? 2. why are there a lot of professions to choose? 3. are there a lot of professions or jobs to choose? 4. there are lot of professions to choose, aren't there? 5. what are there a lot of?

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