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It was (adeclive) day in (month, and the name of man) decided (verb). as soon as he got to the noun), he sat down and took out his noun). he allegedly did not expect to be able (verbl, but was (adjective)) to do this. merb ends with -ing), time (adverb), and before he knew it, it's time to go home. he reinforced his belongings and began to walk home. unfortunately, il began the verb regarding the weather), so he decided to disrupt the transport i, c. take a taxi, run, skip, while he was (verb transport, i'm going by taxi, running, skipping, eto, into peat, he noticed that he suspected (adverb of frequency) forgot such things! (verb). поготе

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Ответы на вопрос:

Как образовывается время презент пёфект? какие используются глаголы в этом времени? как переводится время паст пёфект? сколько всего времён в языке? можете ли вы их перечислить? how is formed by the time of the present perfect? what are auxiliary verbs in this time? as translated the time pastes perfect? how many tenses are there in english? can you list them?

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