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Переведите предложения на язык. 1. raising the output we must not forget the task of improving the quality at the same time. 2. engineers find use for titanium and prefer it to aluminium which loses its strength rapidly when subjected to high temperatures. 3. the moon, like the earth, shines with the reflected light of the sun. 4. all the difficulties in organizing the laboratories and in supplying them with the necessary equipment had to be overcome.

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Поднимая выпуск, мы не должны забывать о повышения качества в одно и то же время. 2. инженеры находят применение для титана и предпочитают его алюминию, который быстро теряет свою силу при воздействии высоких температур. 3. луна, подобно земле, сияет отраженным светом солнца. 4. все трудности в организации лабораторий и в обеспечении их необходимым оборудованием пришлось преодолеть.

Igraduated from high school in school the lessons were fast and exciting, sometimes even home didn't want to go, on the contrary, more time with classmates. so most of us, then students, and after school stayed in school. electives, sports, clubs , rehearsals of concerts is only a small fraction of those cases with which we are constantly engaged in after school. school for us was like a second home and we never tired of lessons — all in moderation. maybe that's why i wanted to learn and liked. students today, only just out of school, with all his run home.in the modern system of schooling has its pros and cons. we who graduated from a soviet high school, had a comprehensive knowledge fairly wide range. however, it was believed that soviet schools would produce even competent, but poorly adapted to real life people. but the current school curriculum allow graduates to better adapt to reality. cons obrazovatelnoe

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