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Поставить глаголы в нужную complete the email using the correct form of the word in brackets: past simple, present perfect or past perfect. hi pilar, how's it going? things are absolutely crazy here in nottingham. i (get) here on september 12th, so that means i ) here for a month already – but it feels like (be) here for years. i ) to england before on summer camps when i ) a teenager but i ever visit) nottingham before. the city is nice but quite small but it's really nice here and the business school is really beautiful. the buildings look very unusual – in fact two of them look like space ships (land) from mars! i ) my first lecture in risk management three weeks ago – what a nightmare! until then (always think) my english and my maths skills were really good but it turns out i was completely wrong! i've been working in the library until late at night almost every night – me, your jessica, who used to be the life of the party is actually studying really hard! how is your new life in barcelona? (move) there? last week? you have to let me know right now! your beautiful and intelligent friend from germany demands that you reply immediately!

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I(got) here on september 12th, so that means i been) here for a month already – but it feels like (have been) here for years.i been) to england before on summer camps when i ) a teenager but i not ever visited) nottingham before.the city is nice but quite small but it's really nice here and the business school is really beautiful. the buildings look very unusual – in fact two of them look like space ships (landed) from mars! i ) my first lecture in risk management three weeks ago – what a nightmare! until then (had always thought) my english and my maths skills were really good but it turns out i was completely wrong! i've been working in the library until late at night almost every night – me, your jessica, who used to be the life of the party is actually studying really hard! how is your new life in barcelona? when_did__ (move) there? last week?

I♥ чили. меня зовут мария. я из чили в южной америке. я живу в столице сантьяго. чили - прекрасная страна с множеством достопримечательностей. на юге есть лед и снег, но на севере есть пустыни. туристы приезжают в чили, чтобы посетить пустыню атакама патагония и горы анд. в центральной долине много рек. чили - прекрасное место для жизни, но и для посещения.

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