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Переведите ) 1. я собираюсь вставить карту в терминал и снять деньги. 2. я не собираюсь лететь в пекин. 3. я думаю, что я не собираюсь брать в долг. 4. он собирался заплакать, когда не получил игрушку. 5. по приезду я собирался принять душ. 6. 10-ый класс собирается идти в театр. 7. на новый год даша собирается устроить вечеринку.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i'm going to insert a card into the terminal and withdraw money. 2. i'm not going to fly to beijing. 3. i think i'm not going to borrow. 4, he was going to cry when he did not get a toy. 5. upon arrival, i was going to take a shower 6. the 10th grade is going to go to the theater. 7. dasha is going to have a party for the new year.

2. I dont have a computer (and i need one) I wish i had one.

3. Helen isn't here (and i need to see her.) I wish i saw her.

4. Its cold (and i hate cold weather) I wish it was not cold.

5 I live in a big city (and i dont like it) I wish it was not big.

6 I cant go to the party (and i'd like to) I wish I was at the party.

7 I have to get up early tomorrow (bui i'd like to sleep late) I wish to get up late tomorrow.

8 I dont know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down.) I wish i knew how about cars.

9 Im not feeling well (and its not nice) I wish to feel well.


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