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Раскройте скобки, выбрав подходящее время: настоящее простое или длительное времена: 1) (to listen) to the radio now. 2) (to go) to school every day. 3) i (to do) my homework in the evening. 4) i (to get up) at 7 o'clock. 5) (to write) a letter now. 6) (to drive) a car at the moment. 7) denis (to work) very hard at school. 8) (to have) my music lessons on sundays. 9) (to be) a student. 10) (to have) many books at home.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1am listening 2 go 3 do 4 get up 5 is writing 6 is driving 7 works 8 have 9 is 10 has

2. We can have the party if we clean the house next day.

3. You're not allowed to feed the animals. Don't give the monkey any food.

4. The notice on the door says Private. You can't go into that room.

5. мне кажется ,что тут все правильно

6. Paulo can drive Dad's car if he's careful


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