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Что нужно подставить? complete the sentences with the correct word: heavy, unemployment, cost, helpful, crowded, bustle, convenient, peace there is a low rate of ……………………………… in big cities. my father hates driving in ………………………………. traffic. mary spent a day in moscow, but found the streets very ………………………………. tom lives in the country because he likes the friendly and ……………………………… people. he enjoys living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ………………………………. of living. public transport is ……………………………… in my town. we go for a walk in the country, because we need some ……………………………… and quiet. i miss the hustle and ……………………………… of london.

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Ответы на вопрос:

There is a low rate of unemployment in big cities. my father hates driving in heavy traffic. mary spent a day in moscow, but found the streets very crowded. tom lives in the country because he likes the friendly and helpful people. he enjoys living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high cost of living. public transport is convenient in my town. we go for a walk in the country, because we need some peace and quiet. i miss the hustle and bustle of london.


in english i sit next to (ім'я друга).

he(він)/she(вона) likes(любить)/doesn't like (не любить) spiders.

he(він)/she(вона) likes drawing too. (твоє ім'я)

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