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Insert to where necessary. 1. we should allow them … come next week. 2. most people suppose him … be innocent. 3. did anyone hear john … leave the house? 4. they made me … do it. 5. he ordered the car … come at 5 p.m. 6. we all thought the plan … be wise. 7. these events caused him … leave the country. 8. we can’t … allow them … behave so badly. 9. at last they got him … write a letter to his parents. 10. don’t let him … drive so fast. 11. what makes you … think so? 12. i felt my heart … jump. 13. if one can’t … have what one loves, one must … love what one has. 14. this job will enable him … have a home of his own. 15. i’d love you not … ask me such questions. 16. don’t let it … trouble you. 17. she sat there trying … pretend she didn’t want … dance and was quite pleased … sit there and … watch the fun. 18. let’s … go and … see the place. you’ll be sorry later … miss it. 19. she seemed … recognize me. 20. at that time i happened … work at my first novel. 21. he is not likely … forget it. 22. he is believed … be taught by his father. 23. the way she looks at me makes me … feel quite nervous. 24. who let you … miss lectures? 25. he is sure … leave the key under the door-mat.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. we should allow them to… come next week. 2. most people suppose him to… be innocent. 3. did anyone hear john … leave the house? 4. they made me … do it. 5. he ordered the car to… come at 5 p.m. 6. we all thought the plan to… be wise. 7. these events caused him to… leave the country. 8. we can’t … allow them to… behave so badly. 9. at last they got him to… write a letter to his parents. 10. don’t let him … drive so fast. 11. what makes you … think so? 12. i felt my heart … jump. 13. if one can’t … have what one loves, one must … love what one has. 14. this job will enable him to… have a home of his own. 15. i’d love you not to… ask me such questions. 16. don’t let it … trouble you. 17. she sat there trying to… pretend she didn’t want to… dance and was quite pleased to… sit there and … watch the fun. 18. let’s … go and … see the place. you’ll be sorry later to have… missed it. 19. she seemed to… recognize me. 20. at that time i happened to… work at my first novel. 21. he is not likely to… forget it. 22. he is believed to… be taught by his father. 23. the way she looks at me makes me … feel quite nervous. 24. who let you … miss lectures? 25. he is sure to… leave the key under the door-mat.

1. i read a book

2. i ate

3. i watched a film

4. i got up

5. i did my homework



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